Imagine your life as a journey with many crossroads, detours and alternate routes as you head towards your destiny. I truly believe that each one of us is born with a destiny plan and a mission on this earth. As I work with global families, I stress the importance of keeping a mental image of confident success as you struggle to learn the daily tasks of life.
As humans travel along the journey of life, it is natural to encounter obstacles and roadblocks. Many of us get “stuck in the mud” and can’t figure out what to do, so it is easier to just stay stuck. Developing alternate plans or routes will help get you back on track.
The Universe Rewards Positive Movement
The most important movement towards confidence is to make a decision and then move on that decision. If you make a decision and commitment to move forward towards the kind of life you desire, then doors will open and miracles will happen to help you.
Many times the biggest hindrances to getting where we want to go are our old beliefs and traditions which no longer serve us. If old tapes are playing in your mind about lack, limits or inadequacies, then take them out, examine them and see if they are even true.
You may be operating on a set of values that your parents taught you which was necessary for them right then, but certainly not for you now. You are a capable adult and have the ability and responsibility to lead a fulfilling and happy life.
Overcome Self-Imposed Limits
Our creative powers and authentic selves may become stifled and held back because we are afraid to look foolish or risk rejection. Here are some suggestions on overcoming self-imposed limitations.
Meet fear head on: Ask yourself what is the worst thing that can happen if you take action. If it isn’t death or the world coming to an end, then just do it.
Mask negative self-talk:Avoid self-defeating thoughts and self-talk. If you think you are no good at math, you will avoid opportunities to learn new techniques that could help you in your life. Perhaps you just had a math teacher who explained problems in a different learning style. Ask someone to explain it again in a new way. Pay attention to what you are telling yourself and simply override the thought with a more positive message.
Use positive affirmations: Affirmations are powerful statements to your sub-conscious brain that counter attack all the negative self-talk. For a downloadable mp3 you will want to experience Affirmations For Action available at http://www.ArtichokePress.com
Manage the parts of a problem:Avoid being overwhelmed with change of behavior or problem-solving. Break it down into manageable parts and then solve each section before moving on to the next. I have found that if I can do a task for 10 times in a row, it becomes automatic action. I used this method to learn different programs on my computer.
Move forward with the end in site: Create a clear picture in your mind of what you want to accomplish. What will it look, feel, taste, smell, and sound like when you accomplish your goal? Keep that vision in your mind and work toward it each day. Remember the Universe rewards movement.
Model what others have done:Is there someone who has already done what you would like to do? Then ask them for input and adapt the suggestions that feel right to you. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Your situation may be unique, but there are many life skills that you can learn from others that are applicable to all members of the human race.
Mind map solutions:Put your ideas on paper and be open to inspiration. Build a flow chart, diagram, or mind map in order to see the big picture and all the components that will be necessary to accomplish your goal.
Choose Confidence and Success
While your background and experiences may have had some influence on who you were, You are fully in charge of who you are going to be.
I am confident in your ability to overcome your mental obstacles to confidence and success. You have a message the world is waiting to hear. If you need assistance overcoming social anxiety you will want to check out http://www.AnxietyandFear.org You will be glad you did.
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